Worcester Islamic Center Will Remain Closed To Public Till End Of May
Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our WIC Board had a special meeting earlier in the evening to address the reopening of our Center in the context of Governor Baker's announcement regarding relaxation of lock down and advisory for the places of worship.
After consultation with Imam Asif (who spoke to Imams of major Islamic Centers in MA and faith based communities) and Board deliberations, it was decided that our phase I plan will be as below:
1. Considering the safety of our community while knowing that the pandemic is not over, and COVID cases are still very high in Massachusetts, WIC will remain closed to public till end of May. There will be no Friday or Eid prayers till then. Specifically we do not want to be the source of second wave of surge in our communities.
2. We will revisit the decision while monitoring the situation as it evolves on daily basis.
3. To fulfill religious ritual شعائر obligation, our Imam along with couple healthy young neighbors from WIC condo complex will offer the Fard prayers at masjid to fulfill the religious obligation. All participants will be asked to wear face masks, perform wudu at home, bring their personal prayer mat and pray in social hall while observing the strict social distancing guidelines. No one from outside the WIC condo complex will be permitted.
4. Let us reassure you that these are not easy decisions but as our religion teaches us that preservation of life is of paramount importance so we decided to adopt a cautious approach. Additionally, in this age of Islamophobia we have to be very vigilant and make a very well informed decision before we get blamed for any adverse public health consequences resulting from Friday or Eid congregations.
5. For our Eid celebrations please find attached our Eid program Flyer, which includes virtual Eid address by Imam Asif at 10:00 am followed by WIC car parade from 12:00-2:00 PM along with drive thru Goody bag distribution for kids. Please wear your best Eid cloths, decorate your car and visit your Center with family to enjoy the spirit of Eid together while observing social distancing.
Jazakum Allahu Khairen
Muhammad Ramzan
Worcester Islamic Center
248 Mountain Street East, Worcester, MA, 01606
Ph: 774-420-2636